Welcome to Breakfast in Beauclair, a global Witcher podcast. Every episode, host Alyssa of GoodMorhen sits with new guests to discuss Andrzej Sapkowski’s “The Witcher” book series and Netflix’s adaptation.
Join our international hanza as we accompany the witcher, Geralt of Rivia, and his destiny, Cirilla of Cintra, on their journeys across The Continent.
Season 6, covering Netflix’s The Witcher Season 3 begins Thursday, April 4, 2024 with new episodes every other Thursday.
Catch the Most Recent Podcast Episodes
Nicola from Italy and Pauline from Germany join us for Chapter 5 (Part 1) from Andrzej Sapkowski’s Baptism of Fire.
Christiaan from Canada and South Africa and Sophia from Australia join us for Chapter 4 (Part 2) from Andrzej Sapkowski’s Baptism of Fire.
Christiaan from Canada and South Africa and Sophia from Australia join us for Chapter 4 (Part 1) from Andrzej Sapkowski’s Baptism of Fire.
Charli from Austria, Gintare from the UK, and Gosia from Ronin of Rivia join us for Chapter 3 from Andrzej Sapkowski’s Baptism of Fire.
“Every morning, the whole company would meet in the kitchen in the basement of Beauclair Palace. The royal chef was fond of them, God knows why. He always cooked something up for them, so ample and tasty that breakfast usually lasted two, and occasionally even three, hours. Geralt and I ate with them many times. Which is how I know what absurd conversations they used to have.”
From Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Lady of the Lake

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