Ep. 101 — Chapter 5 (Part 1) from "Baptism of Fire"

Nicola from Italy and Pauline from Germany join Alyssa for our discussion of Andrzej Sapkowski’s Baptism of Fire, Chapter 3. Very important bits include: the German and Italian translations, analyzing Sapkowski’s swordfighting through an experienced lens, his use of cutaways, the trustworthiness of Nilfgaardians, the ethics of violence and torture, first reactions to the Crossroads of Ravens teaser, the Everyman perspective in a supernatural world, contrasting views on executions, and killing with “mercy.”

This episode is available at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.

In this Episode

  • [0:00] Cold Open

  • [1:08] Introduction

  • [2:20] Guest Introductions

  • [9:10] Chapter Recap

  • [11:26] Overall Thoughts

  • [18:08] Sapkowski’s ‘Crossroads of Ravens’ Sidebar

  • [24:55] Milva’s Use of Violence

  • [28:50] Cahir’s Trustworthiness

  • [34:51] Faoiltiarna’s Torture Tactics

  • [42:25] Nilfgaard’s Inclusion in the Lodge

  • [46:02] Geralt’s Killings and Traditional heroism

  • [55:23] Dandelion’s ‘Everyman’ Perspective

  • [1:01:37] Dijkstra vs Vissegerd’s Executions

  • [1:08:37] Closing Thoughts

  • [1:12:10] Outro

  • [1:13:25] End Credits

Relevant Links


Cold Open

Transcript to come.

[Breakfast in Beauclair theme music by Alex Berner]


ALYSSA: Welcome to Breakfast in Beauclair, a global Witcher Podcast. My name is Alyssa from GoodMorhen, and I’ll be your host as you, I, and our international hanza accompany Geralt of Rivia and his destiny, Cirilla of Cintra, across the Continent.


[Patron Announcements]

Thank you to our patrons and our producer-level patrons: Katie (The Redhead of Toussaint), Jacob B., Charlotte from Vengerberg Glamarye, The Original Roach, Libby, John of Ryblia, Tom from Australia, Jill Cate, The Tabby Witch, Olle from Sweden, James Carson III, Miriam of Temeria, Softie, Lisa C., and RedKite.

If you’d like to learn more about supporting Breakfast in Beauclair, visit patreon.com/breakfastinbeauclair.

[Episode Details]

As for this episode, Nicola from Italy and Pauline from Germany call in for Andrzej Sapkowski’s Baptism of Fire, Chapter 3. Join us as we discuss the German and Italian translations, analyzing Sapkowski’s swordfighting through an experienced lens, his use of cutaways, the trustworthiness of Nilfgaardians, the ethics of violence and torture, first reactions to the Crossroads of Ravens teaser, the Everyman perspective in a supernatural world, contrasting views on executions, and killing with “mercy.”

Without further ado, let’s get to our discussion of Andrzej Sapkowski’s Baptism of Fire, Chapter 5 (Part 1).


[Breakfast in Beauclair stinger by Alex Berner]

Transcript to come.

ALYSSA (VOICEOVER): In Chapter 5 of Baptism of Fire, the chaos from Nilfgaard’s attack on the refugee camp continues, but this time we see it through Milva’s perspective. Amidst the chaos, peasants steal the group's horses and belongings. Milva hunts them down alone and is saved by Cahir, who still insists he is not a Nilfgaardian.

Meanwhile, Isengrim Faoiltiarna, the commander of the Scoia'tael, interrogates a Nilfgaardian spy. The spy, claiming allegiance to Vattier de Rideaux, details orders to capture Faoiltiarna to uncover the whereabouts of Vilgefortz, Rience, and Cahir. The spy confirms that the “princess” presented at court is a fraud, adding layers of intrigue about Nilfgaard’s internal politics and how the empire’s plans have gone awry.

Cahir recounts these events to Milva, explaining that Geralt is heading in the wrong direction—the kidnappers did not take Ciri to Nilfgaard.

In Nilfgaard, Assire var Anahid and Fringilla Vigo discuss Cahir’s situation. Fringilla reveals that the locks of hair she examined prove the "princess" shown in Nilfgaard and the real Cirilla are not the same person. The two sorceresses discuss joining Philippa’s secret Lodge of Sorceresses.

Regis soon catches up with Milva and Cahir, and they resolve to rescue Geralt and Dandelion, who are now awaiting execution by the Cintran forces. Regis infiltrates the camp and frees the pair just before Nilfgaard launches an attack. During their escape, Dandelion is injured, and Geralt kills pursuing Nilfgaardians.

The group reunites near a river, where Regis’ true nature is revealed—he is a 400-year-old higher vampire. While Geralt initially reacts with hostility, the group remains intact. Tensions rise between Geralt and Cahir as the witcher demands answers, leading Cahir to share a deeply personal dream about Ciri.

The group catches fish and makes a humble meal. Regis advises Geralt to reconsider his solitary mindset, reminding him of the strength found in allies. Despite Geralt’s gruff demeanor, the companions agree to seek guidance from the druids in Caed Dhu, embarking on their next leg of their journey together.

Transcript to come.

Outro & Credits

[Breakfast in Beauclair theme music by Alex Berner]

ALYSSA: Thanks for joining us at the breakfast table! For show notes, transcripts of each episode, and a complete list of our social platforms and listening services, head over to breakfastinbeauclair.com.

Breakfast in Beauclair is created by Alyssa from GoodMorhen. It’s hosted by Alyssa. The show is edited by Alyssa with music by Alex Berner.

Breakfast in Beauclair is produced by Alyssa in New York City with Katie (The Redhead of Toussaint), Jacob B., Charlotte from Vengerberg Glamarye, The Original Roach, Libby, John of Ryblia, Tom from Australia, Jill Cate, The Tabby Witch, Olle from Sweden, James Carson III, Miriam of Temeria, Softie, Lisa C., and RedKite.

Special thanks to Nicola and Pauline for joining us for this episode and our international hanza for their support.

Transcriptionist: Charlie Lim
Editor: John Matthew Sarong, Krizia Marrie Casil


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