Ep. 99 — Chapter 4 (Part 1) from "Baptism of Fire"

Christiaan from Canada and South Africa and Sophia from Australia join Alyssa for our discussion of Andrzej Sapkowski’s Baptism of Fire, Chapter 4 (Part 1). Very important bits include: how character beliefs contribute to world building, the objectively worst 24 hours, Sapkowski’s favorite foreshadowing tactics, human susceptibility to superstition and the danger of contradicting it, the role of religion in this chapter, swanlike necks, southern hemisphere Christmases, Geralt’s voicemail, and a thrilling guest reveal.

This episode is available at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.

In this Episode

  • [0:00] Cold Open

  • [1:55] Introduction

  • [3:48] Guest Introductions

  • [17:58] Chapter Recap

  • [19:42] Overall Thoughts

  • [39:47] Superstition

  • [44:06] Religion

  • [57:50] Ep. 100 Teaser

  • [58:41] End Credits

Relevant Links


Cold Open

Transcript to come.

[Breakfast in Beauclair theme music by Alex Berner]


ALYSSA: Welcome to Breakfast in Beauclair, a global Witcher Podcast. My name is Alyssa from GoodMorhen, and I’ll be your host as you, I, and our international hanza accompany Geralt of Rivia and his destiny, Cirilla of Cintra, across the Continent.


  • Send your Ep. 100 shout outs to greetings@beauclair.com to be featured in the cold open of the next episode!

[Patron Announcements]

Thank you to our patrons and our producer-level patrons: Katie (The Redhead of Toussaint), Jacob B., Charlotte from Vengerberg Glamarye, The Original Roach, Libby, John of Ryblia, Tom from Australia, Jill Cate, The Tabby Witch, Olle from Sweden, James Carson III, Miriam of Temeria, Softie, Lisa C., and RedKite.

If you’d like to learn more about supporting Breakfast in Beauclair, visit patreon.com/breakfastinbeauclair.

[Episode Details]

As for this episode, Christiaan from South Africa and Canada and Sophia from Australia call in for Andrzej Sapkowski’s Baptism of Fire, Chapter 3. Join us as we discuss how character beliefs contribute to world building, the objectively worst 24 hours, Sapkowski’s favorite foreshadowing tactics, human susceptibility to superstition and the danger of contradicting it, the role of religion in this chapter, swanlike necks, southern hemisphere Christmases, Geralt’s voicemail, and a thrilling guest reveal.

Without further ado, let’s get to our discussion of Andrzej Sapkowski’s Baptism of Fire, Chapter 4 (Part 1).


[Breakfast in Beauclair stinger by Alex Berner]

Transcript to come.

ALYSSA (VOICEOVER): In Chapter 4 of Baptism of Fire, Geralt and his companions set off after their night at Regis’ hut. They encounter a group of peasants hunting a supposed vampire, claiming recent murders were due to neglected prayers and church donations. When the peasants demand Milva’s horse for their search, a fight ensues, but the company agrees to help take an injured man to a nearby refugee camp.

At the camp, the group witnesses the harsh realities of war, with goods overpriced and exploitation rampant. The peasants seek compensation from Milva for their injured friend, but the situation escalates when they come across a mentally impaired woman accused of witchcraft and colluding with a vampire. The local priest, blaming women for the chaos of war, prepares to burn her at the stake. Geralt, Zoltan, and Milva step in, offering a trial by ordeal to defend her. The priest sets an impossible task: retrieve a burning horseshoe from the fire without injury. As the company debates what to do, Regis steps in and calmly completes the task, shocking everyone.

Before the matter can be resolved, Nilfgaardian forces attack the camp. In the chaos, Geralt is knocked unconscious, and the group is separated. Ciri, with the Rats, has a vision of Geralt being trampled by horses and wakes screaming.

Geralt regains consciousness to find himself captured by Temerian soldiers. He and Dandelion are taken to a military camp where an old acquaintance secures their release. However, Marshal Vissegerd, holding a personal grudge against Geralt for his past actions in Cintra, re-arrests him, accusing him of selling Ciri to Nilfgaard. The chapter ends with Vissegerd declaring that Geralt will be hanged.

Next episode…

Transcript to come.

Outro & Credits

[Breakfast in Beauclair theme music by Alex Berner]

ALYSSA: Thanks for joining us at the breakfast table! For show notes, transcripts of each episode, and a complete list of our social platforms and listening services, head over to breakfastinbeauclair.com.

Breakfast in Beauclair is created by Alyssa from GoodMorhen. It’s hosted by Alyssa. The show is edited by Alyssa with music by Alex Berner.

Breakfast in Beauclair is produced by Alyssa in New York City with Katie (The Redhead of Toussaint), Jacob B., Charlotte from Vengerberg Glamarye, The Original Roach, Libby, John of Ryblia, Tom from Australia, Jill Cate, The Tabby Witch, Olle from Sweden, James Carson III, Miriam of Temeria, Softie, Lisa C., and RedKite.

Special thanks to Christiaan and Sophia for joining us for this episode and our international hanza for their support.

Transcriptionist: Charlie Lim
Editor: John Matthew Sarong, Krizia Marrie Casil


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